Changing of technology then and now

           Changing of technology then and now..

Changing of technology then and now

Hello friends, today we are going to discuss about

the Changing of technology then and now,

 which has been changed its face from time to time. From the day when the civilization has started to exist in the world of human kind, the technology started having its shade from different calls.

If we talk about the ancient period, then there are many mysteries which have been alive from thousands of years that could not been reveled yet to solve.

1. Transportation-

The greatest and most powerful evidence which can be bring out from the stories of Ramayana. Where Mata Sita was kidnapped by Ravana by his flying chariot ' Pushpaka Vimana'. The flying chariot which is known to all the people of India and the world have left no idea who can solve that what kind of technology was used at that time, which could fly an object to the sky. The man controlled sustained flight was invented by Wright Brothers in the year 1903 but The Pushpaka Vimana is our history noted thousands of years ago.

Other transportations like cattle cart, Palki(Sedan) are now been changed into a new faces by moving to cars, bikes, caravan, planes, ships, jets etc. Human have stepped into the moon only because of the revolutionary technology.

2. Medication-

 Again the history repeats its value about the medical facilities which have been changed the face of medial treatments from time to time. In earlier time, when the world have no facilities to fight any sever diseases which was very dangerous for the human race only because of non-availability of medical equipment, machines like X-ray, MRI machines, Ultrasound machines etc. Which have the capability to find out the diseases very easily. Now due to high technology and researches it is easy to find and defeat the diseases and save the people by the doctors. even operations are done with robots. Recently COVID-19 was the greatest example of saving human life in the history. 

3. Communication-

There was a time when letters were the only medium to send the messages to our relatives and loved ones. In the ancient time, Kings were using their messengers  to forward the messages to other regions, Kingdoms. But as the technology have been developed, the medium of communication have been changed to multimedia like text messages through phones, mails, whatsapp, twitter, facebook etc  which are easiest way to connect people in a short of time. No one could imagine that people can talk over phones and video call is the greatest example of a great technology of this century.
May be its not so far when telepathy would be the next target of  communication.

4. Currency-
changing of technology then and now

In ancient time, people used to exchange goods to purchase of the things like food, cloths and daily products. It started and now continuing the journey by exchanging money or currency of the region. Now, you have debit cards, credit cards, digital money, UPI, NFC and so many advance technology use your money to pay directly through your bank account. Sending money to family members, relatives is just one click far from your phone through digital banking. So, when people used to manage sending money through money order once upon a time but now it became easy now just because of the technology.

5. Internet-

Internet is a web network, which is the most advance technology now.  Which without it's help nothing can move in the world nowadays. If you go to few years back, then in the name of  internet, newspaper was such the helpful thing at that time where people could connect to the world. TV news, meeting of the people were the kind of internet which was useful to get information from the word of mouth.

Changing of technology then and now

6.  Computers-

Computers are the example of most advanced technology ever invented. With the help of computers things in tech driven world came as a tornado. In earlier time every single work was done with the human brain. Brain functionality was better in comparison of now. Works were done with particular sense and responsibility because mistakes were the possibility while working under human brain.
But from the day computers were invented, the scenario of the technology has been changed. The working style were changed and new things have started finding the ways to build and creation.
Without computers no one could think about the space invasions, landing on moon, sending satellites to the orbit, calculation of the planets, missions and many huge projects. Because computers are the brain used by the human brain technically could make things more positive.
This technology have been implemented from banks to even cars also. From labs to home. Every single person can work on computer and solve the things very fast.

7. AI( Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence is like beyond the imagination existing in this world. Even it is made with the help of human brain but computers are the main key to generate the process. Intelligence which is unmatchable and very fast that can help to create things by its own. Chat GPT is the example where you can message to the AI to create or write anything based on the subject and AI creates the same. 
In future every tech would be come with the AI based technology. Now it is under process to complete its extreme work.

8. Cars without Driver
We have seen the cars run on the road without touching the steering of the car. With the help of ADAS feature the AI installed cameras inspect the road in  front, back and all side to move without driver and safe the passengers by avoiding any collision. 

Conclusion- The technology of then and now have been changed totally. From 18th century, the invasions were started to collect new ideas to improve the lifestyle of the human and exploring new things to make stand the human history into a new place. From Einstein to A.P.J Abdul Kalam everyone of them has given their life in this field to generate the technology to the next level. Technology is everywhere and its needed very eagerly.


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